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This guide helps resolve common issues when working with Prisma Postgres.

The --db option is not recognized when running prisma init


Running the following command fails because the --db option is not recognized:

npx prisma init --db


This can occur due to npx caching. If you've previously run npx prisma init, your machine may be using an outdated cached version that doesn't recognize the --db flag because it was only introduced in a later version of Prisma ORM.


Explicitly run the latest Prisma CLI version:

npx prisma@latest init --db

This ensures that you're using the most up-to-date CLI, preventing issues with outdated command syntax.

Warning: In production, we recommend using prisma generate --no-engine


You're seeing the following error in your logs:

prisma:warn: In production, we recommend using 'prisma generate --no-engine'


Prisma ORM by default uses a query engine binary that's deployed as part of the @prisma/client package. However, with Prisma Postgres, this is not needed.


To remove this warning and generate Prisma Client without the query engine, you can run the following command:

npx prisma generate --no-engine

Workspace plan limit reached when running prisma init --db


When running the command:

npx prisma@latest init --db

You may encounter the following error message in your logs:

Workspace plan limit reached for feature "Project".


Your default workspace project limit has been reached.


To resolve this issue, consider the following options:

  • Configure a different Workspace as your default—one that has available capacity for additional projects.
  • Delete unused projects or databases from your current default Workspace to free up space.
  • Ensure that you are logged into the correct account in the Prisma CLI. For more details on authentication and account management, please refer to the Prisma CLI documentation.
  • Upgrade to a plan that supports more projects in your default Workspace.

Implementing one or more of these solutions should help you overcome the plan limit issue.